We are thrilled to announce the 2021 winners of the MCRP Graduation Awards
The APA Outstanding Student Award recognizes outstanding attainment in the study of planning. The department selects the award winner based on academic achievement, leadership, commitment to planning as a career, and community service. This year’s winner is Emma Stockton. From Emma’s MP Advisor, Dr Tab Combs:
Emma Stockton is an outstanding student and person. She is diligent, conscientious, professional, and creative, and does not shy away from a difficult task. Her ability to document, analyze, and interpret complex phenomena is unparalleled among masters students. Evidence of this is seen in her Masters Project, in which she evaluated community engagement processes of local responses to COVID-19. This MP is among the best produced at UNC, and has the potential to shape new best practices in active mobility planning
The NC-APA Outstanding Student Award is presented to the student who has excelled academically and professionally. The recipient is nominated by the faculty. This year’s winner is Anna Gustines. From Anna’s MP Advisor, Dr. Andrew Whittemore:
Anna Gustines in a word: boom. But I’ll add that you are driven, prepared, you ask good questions, work hard, and deliver over and over again. I’m very happy to virtually present you with this APA-NC Outstanding student award.
This year’s Best Master’s Projects were selected from amongst the students who prepared poster presentations of their work. The faculty vote on the Best MP, and alumni and friends of the department vote on a “People’s Choice” award.
This year’s Best MP winner is Emma Stockton. Her MP is titled “Active Transportation Policy Decisions in Response to COVID-19: Case Studies from Four North American Cities” and her advisor was Dr. Tab Combs.
This year’s People’s Choice winner is Emily Gvino. Her MP is titled: “Addressing the Health Impacts of Extreme Heat: Interdisciplinary and Equitable Framework for Urban Heat Management in the Southeastern United States” and her advisor was Dr. Danielle Spurlock.
The graduating class of MCRP students votes to select the Weiss Best Colleague Award. This award is presented to the student who fostered a sense of community, and was an outstanding example of collegiality. This year’s winner is Katie Koffman. Her colleagues had this to say about Katie:
Katie Koffman is an extremely dedicated team player. She is a very supportive classmate who is always willing to offer a helping hand. Katie is someone I would pick for my team every single time.