Category: Community Development
Loan Shopping Experiences
The new research reveals the loan shopping experiences of manufactured homeowners.
We’re Everywhere!
“We’re Everywhere!”: The Social, Political and Economic Life of LGBTQ+ Communities.
Struggles With Housing Explored Through Art And Musical Theater
A multimedia exhibit co-created by Mai Nguyen and based on archival, historical and qualitative research in St. Louis.
Replacing Truth with Social Hope
Can the Pragmatist Philosophy of Richard Rorty Help Reinvigorate Planning?
Student Research Seminar Series
Doctoral Candidate Andrew Guinn and 2019 Master’s Candidate Matt Stern start off our student research seminar series: (Next event: Thursday, February 28; 3.30-5; NE 101) Andrew Guinn (PhD) Revising th … Read more
In the Shadows of Ferguson
“In the Shadows of Ferguson” personifies the socio-historical-political processes that institutionalized racism and inequality.