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The primary objective of this course is to broaden your knowledge and understanding of social entrepreneurship as an innovative approach to addressing complex social needs. A secondary objective is to afford you the opportunity to engage in a business planning exercise that is designed to assist you in establishing and launching a social purpose entrepreneurial venture.

To achieve these ends, the course is organized as follows:

  • In Part I, we will define social entrepreneurship and discuss the contextual factors influencing the emergence of the field.
  • In Part II, we will review the characteristics and motivations of social entrepreneurs, as well as both the challenges and opportunities of launching, leading, and managing a social venture.
  • In Part III, we will discuss case studies of successful social purpose ventures and present typologies of revenue generating options for enterprising nonprofit and government organizations.

Throughout the course, we will work with you to develop and/or hone your own ideas for creating and sustaining a social purpose venture.

Cross listed: ECON 326, PLCY 326