This an elective upper-level undergraduate/graduate course that aims to introduce students to international transportation planning, taking into consideration history, governance, finance, and operations.
Transportation planning as a field is highly diverse. How transportation engineers and planners think about moving goods and people differs across the globe. This course sets out to expose you to how the transportation planning practice differs across the world by looking at best practices such as bus rapid transit, people-oriented street design, congestion pricing—to name a few.
Understanding the planning context is critical to understanding why a best practice may or may not work in your community, or how you can adapt it to your community. Instead of giving a broad overview of international transportation planning, in this course I will go over specific examples from places like China, Colombia, Brazil, Copenhagen, Spain, and the UK.
The course is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview. Part 2 focuses on issues different countries face in transportation planning. Part 3 is student-driven with weekly discussions and presentations on case studies.
Previously offered as PLAN 590