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Teaching Assistant Professor

Specialization: Economic Development
307 New East

Dr. Planey is an economic development specialist and educator at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His research interests focus on the economic geography of regional governance: How coordination around infrastructure and economic change creates new pressures and policy needs for North American city-regions.

There are multiple branches of his research project: Firstly, explaining the statecraft process in constructing public-private-civic alliances dedicated to bolstering metropolitan capacity for regional planning and city-region building.  Secondly, the role that different approaches to economic and policy analysis take in building arguments and political leverage on behalf of the regional statecraft process.  Finally, examining the role of social inclusion and exclusion in the formulation of regional economic development projects.  In all three branches of his research, the political interaction between different spatial scales of government, and the role of civic organizations in brokering the regional coordination process, are major research foci.

Recently, Donald Planey has published about these topics in the journals Territory, Politics, Governance and the Journal of Planning Education and Research.

Donald Planey is a Teaching Assistant Professor at UNC Chapel Hill Department of City and Regional Planning. He joined the department in 2020 as a postdoctoral fellow.  He graduated from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign with a PhD in Economic Geography.  He has written policy briefs on manufacturing development for the Chaddick Institute of DePaul University and the Alliance for Regional Development in Chicago, IL.



Carolina Tracker: A Resource for Recovery

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