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Transportation Program Analyst II

Firm Name
NC Department of Transportation
Firm Location
Raleigh, NC
Firm Website


How to Apply
You must apply at by Feb 10.

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Salary: $64,621 – $113,110

The Challenge
We are hiring for an experienced Transportation Program Analyst II to join our Rail Programs team!

In this role, you will:

  • Support our Freight Rail and Economic Development Program Manager and Rail Programs Manager providing technical capacity to fulfill our mission.
  • Conduct independent consultations, provide technical assistance, and deliver program/project administration in transportation planning studies, promoting transportation planning activities with local government officials, and evaluating existing transportation systems, and identifying priority areas for future study.
  • Conduct considerable analysis and interpretation of data and trends in rail, logistics, and transportation planning.
  • Serve as a lead project manager for the Rail Programs team.
  • Independently conduct multi-modal systems studies with statewide implications and formulate recommendations concerning future developmental activities.
  • Perform work having a high level of complexity due to multijurisdictional, intermodal, and joint passenger/freight focus.
  • Consult with internal and external program stakeholders and travel regularly for partner and stakeholder engagement.
  • Coordinate with Municipal and Regional Planning Organizations (MPOs & RPOs).
  • Work in parallel with embedded strategic planning consultants.
  • Conduct research and analysis to support the Freight Rail and Economic Development Program.
  • Support the Rail Services team, particularly coordination between NC By Train service and local transit systems.

In order of importance, you will be responsible for:

  • Regional Planning and Outreach: Coordinate with MPOs, RPOs, and Councils of Governments (COGs).
  • Freight Rail Program Analysis: Work to ensure freight rail funds achieve strategic ends for NCDOT by applying quantitative and qualitative analytical tools.
  • Intercity Passenger Rail Program Analysis: Support strategic planning activities related to passenger rail expansion and improvement by applying quantitative and qualitative analytical tools.
  • Rail Services Support: Support Rail Services team efforts to promote existing intercity passenger rail services and provide exceptional customer service, including coordinating with connecting transportation services and problem-solving issues related to existing passenger rail services.

What You Bring

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of public and business administration relating to transportation planning and transportation project funding.
  • Knowledge of personnel policies and procedures.
  • Knowledge of railroads, public transit, multimodal freight systems, supply chains, and logistics.
  • Knowledge of transportation modes and their interrelationships.
  • Data collection, analysis, and reporting skills.
  • Program analysis and evaluation skills, particularly for rail, public transit, and freight transportation.
  • Verbal and written communications skills to communicate effectively with program stakeholders.
  • Demonstrated ability to initiate and implement administrative programs and procedures and evaluate their effectiveness.

Education and Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree, and
  • 5+ years of relevant experience related; or
  • An equivalent combination of training and experience.

Call me: Levonda Norman at 919-707-4715.

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Job Details

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Paid Y/N
Application Due

Contact Information

Contact Name
Levonda Norman
Contact Phone
(919) 707-4715
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