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Dr. Mai Nguyen
Viet Nam workshop imagesDr. Mai Nguyen, an Associate Professor at Carolina Planning, was part of an international team that collaborated with the Viet Nam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP) to develop a regional plan for Viet Nam. Nguyen served as the primary international resource person regarding community development.
The General Secretary of the Association of Cities of Viet Nam recently awarded the international team the 2019 Bronze Medal for Regional Plans by the Viet Nam Urban Planning and Development Association. This Prime-Minister-commissioned award is sponsored by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Construction, The Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
The review committee, comprised of international experts as well as Vietnamese Vice-Ministers and Directors, recognizes the VIUP regional plan as a significant achievement that will continue to improve development practices on behalf of the Vietnamese people.


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