Undergraduate Minor
Why Urban Studies?
The minor in urban studies allows undergraduates in any field to explore urban and regional issues through a planning framework. Urban studies is an interdisciplinary field with a focus on tangible change. Planners have the power to directly impact the livability of urban environments and equity of communities. A minor in urban studies gives undergraduates a strong base to continue their education and receive a graduate degree in planning or other related fields. The minor is available to undergraduate students who are enrolled at the University of North Carolina. To declare a minor in urban studies, please see an adviser by appointment. To earn the minor, a student must take five planning courses during the course of their studies.
Dr. Roberto Quercia is the director of undergraduate studies. For more information on the undergraduate minor contact Sandra Lazo de la Vega.
15 Credit Requirement
Plan 246
Cities of the Past, Present, and Future
Plan 247
Solving Urban Problems
PLAN Electives
After completing 246 and 247, any 9 PLAN credits (usually 3 PLAN classes of 3 credits each) numbers 100 – 699*
For a full listing of courses please see the University’s Course Catalog.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Completion of both PLAN 246 and 247 is required to earn the minor.
Currently PLAN 246 is not a requirement for PLAN 247, though students who want to pursue a planning minor are strongly encouraged to take it as a sequence. This requirement may change in the future.
Certainly. Many 700 level plan courses are routinely available with instructor permission.
Many courses that are offered across the university that deal with issues of space, place, and society with particular focus on environment, community, and politics are already cross-listed with PLAN. Thus, as a policy, we do not allow other courses to be counted towards the minor with the exception of the study abroad courses. Cross-listed courses with PLAN are counted towards the minor.
Students seeking a planning minor should enroll in the PLAN section of the course. If, however, you have already registered for a different section (e.g. ENST 330 instead of PLAN 330), please contact the Student Services Manager about switching into the correct section.
All PLAN summer school courses count towards the planning minor. However, students should be aware that the department offers a limited number of courses through the summer school.
Students wishing to count study abroad courses toward the planning minor should have the Director of Undergraduate Studies pre-approve the course at least one month before departing on the program using the request form. The department will review the syllabi to determine whether or not these credits will apply. At most, one study abroad course (3 credits) can be counted toward the minor. Once the student has successfully completed the approved course, they should work with their advisors to ensure that the credits transfer to be applied toward the minor.
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