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Emil Malizia

Emeritus Professor; Research Professor

Specialization: Economic Development
316 New East


Dr. Malizia has expertise in the related areas of regional economic development, real estate development, and urban redevelopment. His current research and practice is on the socio-economic characteristics and urban form of vibrant centers and their influence on local economic development, entrepreneurship, and real property performance. He is author or co-author of five books and over 160 articles, monographs, and other publications. During leaves, Dr. Malizia has worked in federal service and as a senior advisor to a major real estate investment company.

Dr. Malizia of Chapel Hill has been awarded the CRE® designation from The Counselors of Real Estate®

In the News

Responses to the Pandemic: Urban Centers

Restoring East Market Street

Fast-Growing Companies Prefer Vibrant Parts of Cities—and Suburbs

Schedule an Appointment

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Additional Links

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