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Digital Research Support Specialist

Firm Name
Davis Library Research Hub
Firm Location
Chapel Hill, NC
Firm Website


The Digital Research Support Specialist (DRSS) will contribute to the work of Digital Research Services, a department in the University Libraries that supports the Davis Library Research Hub. The Research Hub offers space, technology, research support, and training for patrons using GIS (Geographic Information Systems), numeric data, and data visualization. Digital Research Services has staff members with expertise in geographic information systems, data analysis, and data visualization, and offers a service desk staffed with student consultants to answer lower level research questions (tier one). The Digital Research Support Specialist will manage the tier one research support services. This includes directly assisting Library patrons with first tier research inquiries (with a focus on GIS), overseeing the Davis Library Research Hub service point, and supervising hourly student workers. This position will also coordinate technology, outreach efforts, and events.

The Digital Research Support Specialist will hire, train, and supervise the student consultants that provide first-tier research support. The person in this position will coordinate staffing of the service desk and will manage the schedule and student budget. They will also collaborate with the Library’s Desktop Support unit and DRS staff members to ensure adequate hardware and software for the computer lab.

This position will lead outreach and communication efforts for Digital Research Services by serving as the department’s primary communicator on social media and by coordinating efforts with the University Libraries Communications department. The DRSS will organize workshops, programs, tours, and events in the University Libraries’ Research Hub. They will maintain the public calendar of events, schedule Library spaces, coordinate with speakers, and ensure proper technology setup and furniture arrangement for programs and events.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
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