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PDS Regional Planner

Firm Name
Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments
Firm Location
Wilson, NC
Firm Website


PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REGIONAL PLANNER: The Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments (Wilson, NC) is seeking qualified applicants to join the Planning and Development Services Department (PDS) and assist with the operations of the Council. Serving as the lead regional organization for a five-county region, PDS works in partnership with federal, state, and local member governments, allied organizations, and community leadership. With diverse sources of funding, we comprehensively identify and address local and regional priorities and needs in the interrelated areas of community and economic development, infrastructure, workforce, and more.

Job duties will involve performing professional program and project development, management and implementation including grant/loan research, writing and award management, and program/project management. Focus will be on infrastructure and community development grant administration, including Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) grants/loans. The Regional Planner will review, monitor, and track compliance on grant contracts, oversee preparation of grant proposals, develop procedures for grant compliance reporting, and coordinate the processing and collection of grant reimbursements in partnership with both internal and external partners including UCPCOG colleagues, member local governments, engineering firms, contractors, and grant funders.

Specific knowledge and experience are required in research, preparation, submittal, and administration of government and private sector grants and other funding sources, working knowledge of current federal, state, and foundation grant/loan programs, and a working knowledge of applicable technical and administrative rules and regulations related to grant/loan administration. An ability to develop and maintain professional relationships with elected and appointed officials, funders, regulators, executives and managers, peers, community leaders, as well as citizens from multiple socio-economic backgrounds is crucial, along with the ability to work independently and in a team-based environment, on committees, and in partnerships on a variety of projects from multiple funding sources simultaneously.

Minimum requirements: BA/BS in planning, public administration, or a related field and relevant experience in municipal and/or regional planning or grant administration; or a Master’s Degree in planning, public administration, or a related field and some experience in municipal and/or regional planning or grant administration, or an equivalent combination of educations and experience.

Pay Range: $47,065 to $70,595 DOQ. Excellent fringe benefits. EOE.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Ben Farmer
Contact Email
Job Category:
Community Development
Job Sector: