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Planner/Senior Planner

Firm Name
City of Wilson
Firm Location
Wilson, NC
Firm Website


The purpose of this position is to perform technical and professional planning duties in support of the departments. Successful performance facilitates and promotes well planned city development and growth.

Job Number: 201800137

The work consists of varied administrative and technical duties. The unique nature of each case contributes to the complexity of the work.

Planner Position:
– Reviews all site plans, new subdivision proposals, and street closings; meets with developers, engineers, and surveyors to discuss proposals; serves on Technical Review Committee; advises developers and the general public in regards to requirements and protocols.
– Prepares legal ads for publication; ensures the placement of rezoning notice and street closing notice signs.
– Prepares case write ups and supporting documentation.
– Prepares necessary graphic displays for public hearings; prepares resolutions and ordinances; records ordinances and plats and Register of Deeds.
– Maintains appropriate files and records.
– Updates all GIS data sets used to produce department maps; prepare special maps and graphics as needed; produces standards maps for the public.
– Administers the floodplain ordinance and the Community Ratings System; interprets ordinance to the general public; maintains appropriate records; prepares and mails annual letters to flood hazard area property owners and insurers, banks, and real estate offices.
– Administers zoning code and subdivision regulations pertaining to variance requests; advises developers and general public of proper procedures; reviews applications; prepares adjoining property notices; makes public presentations to the Board of Adjustment; writes Board orders.
– Responds to inquiries from developers, citizens, and staff regarding planning, zoning, subdivision, and land development.
– Conducts training sessions on topics related to planning, zoning, subdivision, and land development, as needed.
– Prepares technical studies and reports for the City Council, Board of Adjustment, Planning & Design Review Board, and City Manager.

Senior Planner Position:

– Essential duties for a senior planner in the Planning Program Area include the preparation of short and long-range development and improvement plans; preparing graphic materials; conducting research; interpreting zoning and related codes.
– Essential duties for a senior planner in the Land Development Program Area include the review of site plans; subdivision plans, administration of zoning, subdivision and floodplain development regulations; preparing staff reports.
– Manages or assists in the development of studies, analyses and recommendations in connection with the current and long-range development plans for the City.
– Gathers, selects, compiles and analyzes data pertaining to characteristics of the area.
– Analyzes demographic and geographic information regarding population estimation and projections.
– Creates maps and graphs for analysis, demonstration and publication;
– Composes amendments for ordinances.
Attends committee, board and related meetings; represents the City relating to planning issues.
– Researches, analyzes and reviews subdivision and site plan proposals; ensures proposals contains information required by City ordinances.
– Analyzes rezoning requests; works with petitioners, residents and planning commissioners to render written analysis.
Conducts field surveys for rezoning or subdivisions; identifies current land use, surrounding land uses, traffic patterns near site and general development activity of surrounding area.
– Explains and interprets zoning and subdivision regulations to the public and elected officials.
– Explains planning problems and procedures to the general public and elected officials.
– Prepares various grant applications.
– Management of Department and consultant projects and contracts.

– Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with the completion of a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a course of study related to the occupational field.
– Experience sufficient to thoroughly understand the work of subordinate positions to be able to answer questions and resolve problems, usually associated with one to three years experience or service.
– Preferred or ability to obtain within 6 months of hire:CFM
– Preferred, but not required:AICP and/or CZO

Senior Planner:
– Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with the completion of a master’s degree in a course of study related to the occupational field.
– Experience sufficient to thoroughly understand the work of subordinate positions to be able to answer questions and resolve problems, usually associated with one to three years experience or service.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Land Use
Job Sector: