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Planning Director

Firm Name
Town of Mills River
Firm Location
Mills River, NC
Firm Website


Primary duties of this position include long range planning, community development, and zoning administration. In 2019 the Town began developing a comprehensive plan – Making Mills River. This is the highest priority of the incoming Planning Director. Other projects include developing the Town’s geographic information system and updating the Town’s code for compliance with recent 160D changes.

The successful candidate for this position will have five to seven years of municipal planning experience and a Bachelor’s degree in planning, geography, or related field. A Master’s degree in planning, public administration, or related field is strongly preferred. American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) is required.

An employee in the positions directs the planning, zoning, and community development activities in the Town to ensure coordinated guidance and regulation of the orderly growth and development of the Town. Position serves as the Town’s representative to a number of external agencies and boards that are involved in planning and transportation in the region. Work involves the administration and enforcement of the Town’s zoning and subdivision regulations and planning program as described in the “Illustrative Examples of Work”. Work requires public contact, sometimes extensive, with private groups, civic organizations, county and town officials, and the general public in the promotion, development, and direction of the planning and growth of the community. Employee must exercise independent judgment and initiative in applying technical principles and land use practices specific to the Town in daily operations. Employee also serves as the lead for website development and maintenance, information technology support and other related duties.

Employee must be able to communicate issues effectively. Tact and courtesy are of paramount importance in frequent public contact, often under stressful conditions. Work is performed under the regular supervision of the Town Manager and is evaluated through observation, review of records and reports, and in conferences.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Daniel Cobb
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(828) 890-2901
Job Category:
Land Use
Job Sector: