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Planning Specialist

Firm Name
New Jersey Pinelands Commission
Firm Location
New Lisbon, NJ
Firm Website


The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an independent state agency whose mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Pinelands National Reserve, and to encourage compatible economic and other human activities consistent with that purpose. The Commission implements a comprehensive plan that guides land use, development, and natural resource protection programs in the 938,000-acre Pinelands Area of southern New Jersey.

The Commission’s Planning Office is seeking two full-time Resource Planners. The positions will support a wide array of on-going programs as well as projects that arise to meet emerging environmental and regional planning priorities of the Commission. Responsibilities include review of complex land use issues and municipal ordinances and coordination with other state and local governmental agencies on land use planning or resource management issues and projects. The position may assist in land
preservation, monitoring of intergovernmental agreements, rule development, and supporting the Pinelands Development Credit Program.

For more details and job requirements, please go to:

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Start Date
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Z. Concepcion
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(609) 894-7300
Job Category:
Environmental Planning
Job Sector: