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Project Coordinator

Firm Name
Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development
Firm Location
Philadelphia, PA
Firm Website


The Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development acts to coordinate the City’s planning, zoning, housing, and development functions to promote the economic health of all of Philadelphia’s neighborhoods and the city as a whole.

The Division of Development Services, located within the Department of Planning and Development, works to educate the public and private development community on the approval process for City Departments, Boards and Commissions. Development Services also works to resolve novel development issues or conflicts between different codes, regulations or processes. Development Services staff also work with other City departments and quasi-governmental entities to develop publicly owned, or public spaces throughout the City.

Job Description

The Project Coordinator is a management support role applying project management skills, including customer service, policy research, data analysis, strategic planning, and public outreach to various assignments for the Department of Planning and Development with oversight from the Manager of Development Services and the Deputy Director of Development Services. This position functions to provide support to both the Division of Development Services as well as the entire Department of Planning and Development.

Essential Functions:
– Interface with developers and city agencies on zoning, planning, and permitting concerns;
– Exhibit attention to detail and tenacity to complete projects in challenging circumstances such as time constraints and incomplete information;
– Collaborate with the Department of Planning and Development staff and other city agencies to ensure consistency of development projects with the comprehensive plan, zoning, and community needs

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Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Land Use
Job Sector: