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Regional Planner

Firm Name
Southeast Tennessee Development District
Firm Location
Chattanooga, TN
Firm Website


The Southeast Tennessee Development District is a regional council of governments located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The opening is for the position of Regional Planner. This entry-level position will work in advising local communities on matters related to land use planning primarily through zoning and subdivision regulations as well as through the development of short and long-range plans. Other duties include assisting communities in a wide variety of activities including, but not limited to, grant writing, project administration, the National Flood Insurance Program, transportation planning, annexations,and urban growth. Attendance at evening meetings is required.

See attachment for additional information.

The ideal candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in planning, public administration, political science, geography or a closely related field. A master’s degree in one of the aforementioned areas is preferred. Some professional experience in land use planning is also preferred.

Maximum Starting Salary Based on Qualifications (non-negotiable): $41,093.70Benefits include:State of Tennessee Health Insurance Plan, Vision, Dental, employer paid contribution to the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System(employees are vested in 5 years), and employer matching contributions to a 401(k). Employees earn 1 annual leave day each month and a ½ day of sick leave each month. Fringe benefits are estimated to be 36% of an employee’s pay scale.

Applications Requested by January 31, 2020A resume & cover letter should be sent to:

Chad Reese, Planning Director
P.O. Box 4757Chattanooga, TN 37405
ATTN: Chad Reese

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Chad Reese, Planning Director
Contact Email
Job Category:
Community Development, Land Use
Job Sector: