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Project Drawdown Research Fellowship

Firm Name
Project Drawdown
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About Project Drawdown

Project Drawdown is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “Drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline. Since the 2017 publication of the New York Times bestseller Drawdown, the organization has emerged as a leading resource for information and insight about climate solutions. Cities, universities, corporations, philanthropies, policymakers, communities, educators, activists, and more turn to Project Drawdown, as they look to advance effective climate action. We aim to support the growing constellation of efforts to move climate solutions forward and move the world toward Drawdown—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

See The Drawdown Review—2020 for the latest update to our work.

Project Drawdown Research & Fellows

Project Drawdown’s research program seeks to determine whether reaching Drawdown is possible using existing, well-proven climate solutions. To uncover that answer, we review and evaluate the potential performance of diverse technologies and practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere. All of these climate solutions are financially viable and already scaling, at least in some places.

Drawdown research fellows analyze solutions, drawing upon years of advanced study, experience, and a wide range of backgrounds. For each technology or practice, we review extensive literature and data describing its potential scale, impact, and cost. We then build analytical models to estimate how many gigatons of carbon dioxide (or equivalent amounts of other greenhouse gases) a given solution could avoid and/or remove over time, as well as the cost of implementing and operating it.

Project Drawdown conducts an ongoing review and analysis of climate solutions, to provide the world with a current and robust resource. We are recruiting more sector experts and data modelers to contribute to our ongoing research, which continues to expand in scope and depth.

The Research Fellowship program is a part-time or full-time commitment starting November 2020. Initially, opportunities will be available for a three- to six-month period with possibility for further extension. Opportunities to continue working beyond this period may be available and considered on a case-by-case basis. Fellows will be expected to work 20-40 hours per week.

Fellowship Subject Areas

We are looking for individuals with knowledge and expertise in the following areas:

  • Avoided Methane: technologies or agricultural practices that reduce methane from entering the atmosphere.
  • Health & Education: rights-based solutions that can reduce estimated future demand through access to health resources and education.
  • Demand-Side Food Systems: supply-chain solutions that prevent food loss and waste from occurring; and, shifts in diets and behaviors that limit the production and consumption of high-emitting commodities.
  • Engineered Sinks: technological solutions that sequester carbon from atmosphere.
  • Transportation: mobility solutions that reduce fuel combustion and/or reduce demand from passengers and shipping.


  • Master’s degree required, PhD or equivalent work experience preferred.
  • 5+ years of experience in subject area (see above).
  • Experience in quantitative analysis, data modeling, or econometrics required.
  • Strong research, analysis, and writing skills. Demonstrated ability and commitment to conduct research and produce scholarly work.
  • Experience preparing clear, compelling, and high-quality reports and presentations.
  • Project management skills, capable of meeting deadlines.
  • Interest in and ability to work remotely, yet in collaboration with a team of researchers in different time zones.
  • Comfort with teleconferencing. Able to participate in videoconferences between 9:00am–12:00pm Pacific Time.


Remote work only.


Research fellows will be compensated between $600-1200 per week with benefits, depending on hours designated. Fellows also benefit from professional development opportunities, networking with other climate leaders, and attribution in all materials produced from their research.

How to Apply

Please complete our online application form. All candidates should upload a cover letter, their most recent resume or CV, two references, and two recent writing samples (see below for details). We will also consider letters of support from supervisors or institutions.

Writing Samples

All applicants should submit two writing samples, including:

  1. A 500-1000 word argumentative essay or op-ed on a subject of your choice that demonstrates an ability to make a focused argument in a clear, convincing, and accessible way. This writing sample is evaluated for evidence of critical thinking and general writing skills.
  2. A research paper of up to 10 pages. This does not need to have been published, but should demonstrate an ability to research and analyze a subject in more depth. It is recommended, but not required, that the topic of the research paper be relevant to the Project Drawdown’s mission. Papers utilizing quantitative and qualitative analysis of climate solutions are particularly encouraged.


Priority deadline for all applications: September 15, 2020

Applications accepted on a rolling basis until filled.

Project Drawdown is an equal opportunity employer committed to having a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Project Drawdown does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, national origin, veteran status, or any other basis covered by law, and we will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. We strongly encourage all qualified persons worldwide to apply for this position. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, merit, and the organization’s need.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Start Date
  November 2020
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

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Job Category:
Environmental Planning
Job Sector:
Non Profit