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Water Resources & Resiliency Planner

Firm Name
Triangle J Council of Governments
Firm Location
Durham, NC
Firm Website


An experienced, creative individual to staff a highly regarded program that works on water supply, water quality, conservation, drought response and resiliency. A positive, customer-focused orientation, an ability to deliver high-quality products in a timely manner, manage diverse partnerships and lead staff teams desired. Must be intently focused on the needs of TJCOG’s 44-member governments and willing to collaborate across TJCOG’s focus areas for holistic approaches for our member governments. Position must be able to lead and mentor a dedicated staff of professionals.

Description of Work: The Principal Planner is part of a fast-paced, multi-disciplinary organization engaged in long-term, regional scale issues and shorter term local government member technical assistance that integrates TJCOG’s focus areas of water resources, resiliency, transportation and mobility, housing, aging and human services, member engagement, technical assistance and strategy/innovation and data. The position explores opportunities to assist member governments, manages contract- and grant-funded projects, conducts analysis, develops plans, and studies and facilitates collaboration among member governments and partner organizations.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:  The principal planner must be knowledgeable of federal and state laws and policies effecting water resources and of tools and techniques to manage water resources. Excellent research and synthesis skills are required. Superb communication (writing, speaking), interpersonal, and consensus-building skills are imperative, as well as the ability to understand different perspectives and to develop creative solutions. The person must be self-motivated, diligent, able to lead and develop staff in the program area, and able to work with limited direct supervision. Competence in contract and budget development and administration is essential. Experience with local government water supply planning, water and sewer infrastructure planning, stormwater management, and resiliency programs is highly desirable. The ability  to use Microsoft Office 365 software is required.

Education and Experience: Required: Master’s degree in planning, engineering, environmental management, or related field, together with three years of progressively more responsible experience in water resources planning; or graduation from a four-year college or university with a major in planning, engineering, environmental science, natural resources or related field and five years’ experience in water resources planning work.

Our Organization: Providing a platform for collaboration among local governments, stakeholders, and partners in our diverse region of NC.

How to Apply:

  1. Download TJCOG employment application at:
  2. Send completed application package (cover letter, completed application and resume) by email to with the subject Principal Planner.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Position is open until filled; initial review of applications begins September 14, 2020.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Job Sector:
Non Profit