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Assistant Transportation Analyst

Firm Name
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
Firm Location
Chicago, IL
Firm Website


The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is seeking to hire a full-time Assistant Analyst for the Transportation Capital Programming team. CMAP is our region’s official comprehensive planning organization and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for northeastern Illinois.

As our region’s official comprehensive planning organization, CMAP’s mission is to help communities prosper. The agency and its partners developed and are now implementing ON TO 2050, a new long-range plan to help the seven counties and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues. See for more information.

The ideal candidate for this position will demonstrate knowledge of metropolitan transportation planning policy and practices. The Assistant Analyst, under the direction of principal and senior staff, will assist in developing, tracking, and analyzing the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Assistant Analyst will also complete tasks required to ensure compliance with federal planning and environmental regulations, so that the programs and analyses may be approved by the federal government.

The Assistant Analyst is expected to work collaboratively with the sub regional councils of mayors, the metropolitan planning organization member agencies and other CMAP stakeholders to further the principles of ON TO 2050. In carrying out these duties, the Assistant Analyst will work on teams with CMAP staff under the direction of project managers and will work with staff and officials from partner agencies and municipalities. This position may require in and out of region travel. Candidates should demonstrate an interest in the complex challenges addressed by transportation planning and programming.


  • Prepare materials for and assist in presentations to committees, including the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Committee, Transportation Committee, Council of Mayors Executive Committee, Tier II Consultation Team, Congestion Mitigation and Air  Quality (CMAQ) Project Selection Committee, and Surface Transportation Program (STP) Project Selection Committee.
  • Organize, prepare, and conduct workshops and training sessions for CMAP staff and partners.
  • Provide contract compliance and invoice review assistance for the Council of Mayors Planning Liaison program.
  • Collect, develop, maintain, and analyze information required for the TIP, including the TIP database, annual obligation report, TIP fiscal report, other reports and analyses, and TIP documentation. Assist in the review of program information and work with implementing agencies to ensure consistency with their programs as reflected in the TIP.
  • Become familiar with material from federal, state, regional, and local agencies pertaining to funds available to the region and with laws, regulations, and guidance affecting management of the region’s transportation program.
  • Represent CMAP at committee, inter-agency, and external partner meetings as assigned.
  • Assist with collection, maintenance, and analysis of information required for active program management of the CMAQ, Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and STP programs

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  • General knowledge of federal surface transportation policy and funding/financing of transportation programs.
  • General knowledge of mission and purpose of metropolitan planning organizations
  • The ability to write and communicate effectively on transportation projects and matters.
  • Excellent presentation and public speaking skills.
  • Strong data management and analysis skills, including presenting findings and communicating the technical and non-technical findings to internal and external partners.

Education and Experience: An undergraduate degree in public administration, transportation planning, transportation engineering, or a closely related field is required. A minimum of two years of work experience is required. Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, with adaptability to other software. Demonstrated skills with databases, spreadsheets, and Arc/GIS geographic information systems.

How to Apply: Please submit cover letter and résumé via the web at Please refer to Job Code ATCP720. This position will remain open until filled.

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Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
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