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College Aide – Bus Priority Unit

Firm Name
New York City Department of Transportation
Firm Location
New York, NY


Transit Development is hiring two summer graduate student interns ASAP. Please submit your cover letter and resume (as a single PDF) to and Note that each position pays $19.90/hr full time for the summer and you must be able to work in our Lower Manhattan office minimum 1-2 days/week.

A selected candidate for College Aide in the Bus Priority unit of the Transit Development group will assist with the planning, coordination, and implementation of bus priority projects to improve speed, reliability, and comfort for New York City’s bus riders. As a part of NYC’s Covid-19 recovery, Transit Development is preparing several bus lane and busway projects to be implemented in the summer of 2021. The College Aide will work closely with Project Management staff to help oversee implementation of projects, by reviewing implementation progress including a combination of office and field work. Additionally, the candidate will help assist in development proposals for 2022 project through creating existing conditions profiles, analyzing existing bus speed and traffic data, and researching and identifying stakeholders to begin the outreach process. GIS, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, and data analysis skills are preferred, but this is also an opportunity for candidates to develop these skills throughout the term of the internship.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N

Contact Information

Contact Name
Kyle Gebhart
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(513) 884-3949
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