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Economic Development Director

Firm Name
Town of Carrboro, NC
Firm Location
Carrboro, NC
Firm Website


The Economic Development Director is responsible for managing the Town’s Economic Development Department. This position will manage and implement the day-to-day activities related to economic development and redevelopment opportunities. The Economic Development Director serves as the main point of contact and leader of the Town’s economic development activities and will further the economic interests of the community under the direction of Town Manager as established by the Town Council.

The Economic Development Director is part of the Town’s senior management team and will report directly to the Town Manager. This position requires an energetic, proactive collaborator and coordinator with excellent interpersonal communication skills. The Economic Development Director will work to ensure all of the Town’s economic development goals and strategic initiatives are achieved.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Job Category:
Economic Development
Job Sector: