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Executive Director

Firm Name
The Marian Cheek Jackson Center
Firm Location
Chapel Hill, NC
Firm Website


The Jackson Center is seeking a leader who is 1) rooted in abundant community – Sees, with wonder and joy, the fullness and depth of our community and can cultivate it; 2) an adaptable shepherd – Can balance chaos and order; 3) humbled by and accountable to community power – Committed to following the mission and direction of community; 4) a creative connector – Adept at building authentic relationships across multiple lines of difference; and 5) a response-able storyteller – Able to lead stewardship of the center and tell the MCJC story. The Jackson Center is a bottom-up organization looking for a leader who understands, respects, and lives this model of community-first work.

Ideal candidates will:
– Have at least five years of community-based leadership experience;
– Have a Master’s degree, or commensurate experience;
– Have some demonstrated experience working and living in historically underserved neighborhoods;
– Have an investment in local Black history as told by the people who made it; and,
– Have grant writing/management and fiscal management experience.

See attachment for addition information.

To apply: Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume/cv with contact information for three references. Additionally, we ask you to submit a 250-word answer or less to the following prompt: “Mrs. Jackson’s motto is ‘without the past, you have no future.’ What does this mean to you?”

Please submit your materials to the email address with the subject line “Executive Director Application.

The Jackson Center is a hub of creative action dedicated to preserving the future of historically Black neighborhoods in Chapel Hill, NC. Located in the heart of the Northside community, Center staff work in collaboration with Northside neighbors and friends to respect and to serve histories that, even as they are told, make new history out of Emancipation, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, civil rights struggle, and desegregation. Today Northside and Pine Knolls are among the most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse neighborhoods in the region.

Job Details

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Paid Y/N
Application Due
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Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Email
Contact Phone
(919) 960-1670
Job Category:
Community Development, Housing
Job Sector: