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HCD Specialist

Firm Name
Department of Housing & Community Development
Firm Location
Sacramento County
Firm Website


A specialist position in our Land Use unit working on a variety of land use topics including incentive programs, prohousing designations, ADUs, housing element reviews, planning grants, technical assistance to local and regional governments and other exciting projects that come to the unit.

In addition to evaluating each candidate’s relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:
  • Knowledge of policy issues including homelessness, affirmatively furthering fair housing, access to opportunity, displacement, tenant rights, equity, land use planning, community and economic development, climate change, disaster mitigation and resiliency, transportation, and housing finance and preservation
  • Knowledge of legislative and regulatory analysis
  • Knowledge of research techniques
  • Knowledge of project and time management
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Excel and relational databases
  • Ability to reason logically and apply critical thinking skills
  • Ability communicate effectively to individuals and groups, verbally and in writing
  • Ability to analyze and make recommendations
  • Ability to provide technical assistance and expert consultation related to housing policy
  • Ability to conduct outreach and stakeholder engagement with a diverse range of communities
  • Ability to plan and carry out complex projects
  • Ability to prepare and present technical reports
  • Ability to participate in teams as a leader or team member
  • Ability to establish and maintain supportive, cooperative relationships with others
  • Ability to work under tight schedules and deadlines
  • Ability to work independently and report progress to leadership

Position Details

Job Code #: JC-227183
Position #(s): 401-306-9035-037
Working Title: HCD Specialist
# of Positions: Multiple
Work Location: Sacramento County
Job Type: Permanent, Full Time

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Job Category:
Community Development, Housing
Job Sector: