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Housing Analyst

Firm Name
City of San Rafael
Firm Location
San Rafael, CA
Firm Website


The Community Development Department is seeking a full-time Housing Analyst to join the Planning team. The position will focus on developing strategies for removing barriers to housing production and accommodating the City’s regional housing needs. San Rafael is proactively pursuing ways to promote new housing and protect its existing housing stock. Among the key duties and responsibilities, the Housing Analyst will manage and oversee the update of San Rafael’s Housing Element, develop housing and land use policies in partnership with City leadership and other agencies, pursue housing grant opportunities, and assist in developing and administering housing and rent protection policies. The position will be a 3-year fixed term position.

This job performs critical analytical work related to housing policy, housing finance, and long-range planning for the City of San Rafael. As a member of the Community Development Department management team, the position will focus on developing strategies for removing barriers to housing production and accommodating the City’s regional housing needs. San Rafael is proactively pursuing ways to promote new housing and protect its existing housing stock.

Additionally, the position will be working on improving internal processes in the Community Development Department, including finding ways to reduce bureaucracy and enabling staff to improve the services and customer service experience they provide to the public.

K E Y  R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S
San Rafael City Planning is hiring! The City is looking for a candidate that not only has experience and a deep interest in housing policy, but one who is up to the challenge of working in a dynamic community that will require creative problem-solving, community engagement and relationship building.

  • Manage and oversee the update of San Rafael’s Housing Element
  • Develop housing and land use policies in partnership with City leadership and other agencies
  • Pursue housing grant opportunities
  • Work closely with community groups and organizations in public workshops and meetings
  • Assist in developing and administering housing and rent protection policies
  • Manage the City’s inclusionary housing program including current deed-restricted housing units and below-market rate rental and for-sale housing agreements

H o u s i n g A n a l y s t ( 3 Year Fixed Term)
$93,396 – $119,208 annually DOQ/DOE Plus benefits
This job performs critical analytical work related to housing policy, housing finance, and long-range planning for the City of San Rafael. As a member of the Community Development Department management team, the position will focus on developing strategies for removing barriers to housing production and accommodating the City’s regional housing needs. San Rafael is proactively pursuing ways to promote new housing and protect its existing housing stock. Additionally, the position will be working on improving internal processes in the Community Development Department, including finding ways to reduce bureaucracy and enabling staff to improve the services and customer service experience they provide to the public. WWW.CITYOFSANRAFAEL.ORG/JOBS

Minimum requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in public administration, city planning, business administration, or a related field
  • Two years of experience with housing and land use policy work (masters program may substitute)
  • Experience preparing housing elements and/or other housing related ordinances, programs, and studies preferred

Learn more about the City’s current housing policies. Visit the Planning Department’s webpage at

Job Details

Job Type
 3-year fixed term position
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Alicia Giudice
Contact Email
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