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Housing Planner

Firm Name
City of Salisbury
Firm Location
SalisBury, NC
Firm Website


The City of Salisbury is seeking a Housing Planner who will identify and assess the feasibility of new affordable housing opportunities, preservation of existing affordable housing, and develops new housing policies and programs targeted to the City’s low and moderate income residents. Main duties include but are not limited to: plans and works in coordination with the Salisbury CDC to administer funding from federal, state and local sources including CBDG and HOME; works closely with HUD field office to ensure compliance with HUD regulations; assesses project feasibility and need for City subsidy including site assessment, evaluating and underwriting proposed loans and/or grants, identifying creative financing strategies, assessment of public benefit and viability as outlined in CBDG funding guidelines; maintains and disseminates information related to the housing market conditions; and compiles statistical and historical data on housing and economic development.

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