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Housing Planner II

Firm Name
Triangle J Council of Governments
Firm Location
Durham, NC
Firm Website


Who We Seek

A highly motivated and strategic thinker to primarily work within the TJCOG housing priority area and with partners in local, state, non-profit and regional organizations focusing on tools and techniques to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing throughout the region.

The candidate must feel comfortable coordinating projects across multiple internal and external stakeholder groups, synthesizing complex or analytic information into high-quality and clear deliverables, and serve as a resource of information on complex housing and community development solutions. This position will work closely with the Housing Program Manager to carry out tasks associated with ongoing projects, including grant writing and administration, meeting facilitation, data analysis, and presenting to public audiences. A candidate interested in developing project management, budgeting, and leadership skills with an interest in quickly advancing to a Senior Planner level within the organization is preferred.

Description of Work

The Planner II is part of a fast-paced, multi-disciplinary organization engaged in long-term, regional-scale issues and shorter-term local government assistance integrating TJCOG’s housing focus area while integrating the areas of aging and human services, community & economic development, natural resources and resilience, strategy and innovation, and transportation and mobility. The position is responsible for grant writing and administration of federal and state sources of housing and community development funding (CDBG and HOME, for example). Other responsibilities include conducting research and developing housing plans and strategies, collecting, synthesizing, and visualizing data, coordinating stakeholder meetings, and working with homeowners and service providers to administer home repair programs and provide coordinated case management to low-income homeowners in the region.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The Planner II must have a working knowledge of federal and state government funding mechanisms, including grant administration and monitoring (primarily invoicing and reporting reporting). The Planner must be able to communicate effectively and in oral and written forms, establish and maintain effective working relationships, synthesize highly technical and/or complex information, and simultaneously assist with variety of federal, state, and local community and housing development programs. Independent judgment and initiative, with limited supervision is required in the performance of duties.

Education and Experience

Required: Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Urban and Regional Planning, or a related field, a minimum of two (2) years of experience working with housing or community development solutions within local or state government.

Preferred: Master’s degree in Political Science, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration, Business or a similar field. North Carolina experience. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in housing and community development solutions. Experience working with low-income populations. Grant writing and administration experience with CDBG, HOME, and NCHFA home repair and affordable housing programs will be given priority.

Position is open until filled; initial review of applications begins October 8, 2021.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due

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