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Main Street Coordinator

Firm Name
City of Kings Mountain
Firm Location
Kings Mountain, NC
Firm Website


The City of Kings Mountain has an excellent opportunity for professional staff to help in the economic development of the City of Kings Mountain. Our Main Street position has the benefit of a newly reconstituted MSAB, new business investments downtown, and a recent track record of substantial public investment in downtown. The City intends to make significant downtown public improvements in the next 5 years. Please let anyone that may be interested in this position to apply and we look forward to having that individual come join the team. Attached is a detailed job description.

Applications are accepted online at

The City of Kings Mountain offers a very competitive compensation package as evidenced in the new hire benefits overview 

An employee in this class works collaboratively to plan, organize and administer work related to the development and revitalization of downtown Kings Mountain and the Greater Kings Mountain City area. Work includes facilitating activities, projects, efforts, and relationships that directly or indirectly improve downtown areas. Work includes assisting with administering development, revitalization, and improvement programs; assisting with coordinating and implementing downtown special events; fostering a climate downtown to recruit and maintain businesses and residents; and maintaining Main Street program status. Works collaboratively consulting with local officials, business owners, and community leaders for the purpose of improving and promoting downtown business development as directed. A focus in the role includes community development efforts to improve downtown development in the City. Work involves significant public contact and public speaking. Work requires considerable planning and timely execution of work. Employee must exercise independent judgment and simultaneously must consider financial, socio-economic, legal, and regulatory variables as they affect the City. The employee is subject to indoor and outdoor environmental conditions. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Department Director and is evaluated through conferences, reports, and results.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Serves as the central contact for the Office of Main Street; maintains City’s Main Street status and works collaboratively to administer grants and organize program activities in the areas of design, promotion, economic prosperity, and partnership development.
  • Works with Town officials, staff, and business owners to develop strategies to increase opportunities downtown, attract new users to existing facilities, expand market opportunities, and promote existing businesses under supervision.
  • Works to recruit new businesses and sustain existing businesses.
  • Works with the Director, other staff, and developers on redevelopment projects in downtown area.
  • Works to maintain Main Street Program national and state designation; researches and follows historic preservation program guidelines.
  • Works collaboratively with Director, Board and City staff to Identify, apply for, and administer various downtown and neighborhood development grants.
  • Works in consultation with code enforcement and planning staff on downtown development and revitalization efforts.
  • Assist Main Street Advisory board of directors and subcommittees in developing an annual work plan for a downtown revitalization program on two primary strategies to increase downtown housing and to attract and recruit entertainment, food and beverage and additional retail entrepreneurs to the downtown.
  • Assists with building rehabilitation efforts and other downtown improvements; discusses improvement ideas with potential downtown business owners; seeks funding for improvement efforts;
  • Works with Special Events Department to implement downtown special events that cultivate economic impact and increase visibility of the Downtown.
  • Maintains and improves website as tool for marketing downtown; speaks to various community and civic groups to promote downtown area.
  • Meets regularly with the Main Street Advisory Board and committees to plan and address downtown issues.
  • Maintains contact with community leaders, and representatives of businesses, industry and nonprofit agencies; visits businesses regularly to stay abreast of their status, any potential for expansion, and assists with problems; works to resolve issues that affect downtown property owners and businesses; follows up on requests; recruits and trains volunteers for various programs.
  • Assist with preparing and administering office budget; develops and maintains various databases; researches strategies and programs; develops marketing and promotional material; and uses social media to promote program.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Considerable knowledge of principles, practices and processes involved in downtown development including land use planning and development, research techniques and design applications, economic development, and marketing and public relations.
  • Considerable knowledge of Main Street guidelines and regulations, and historical preservation practices.
  • Considerable knowledge of commercial and residential revitalization programs, and federal and state historic tax credit and grant funding programs.
  • Knowledge of the assets of the community and federal, state, and local laws pertaining to economic development and planning.
  • Knowledge of municipal budgeting and purchasing laws, policies and procedures.
  • Skills in data collection and analysis, and establishment of databases about pertinent City statistics and demographics.
  • Skills in organizing large events and providing leadership to volunteer and part-time staff.
  • Strong skills in writing and administering grants.
  • Ability to plan and implement large scale community events and provide leadership to volunteer and part-time staff.

Desirable Education and Experience:  Experience as manager/director/coordinator in the field of downtown revitalization and the Main Street Program, graduation from an accredited college/university in the field of public administration, economic development, design, or a related field, or certification from National Main Street Program is preferred; or any equivalent combination of education and experience.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
  Open Until Filled
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Economic Development
Job Sector: