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Manager of Transit Analysis and Planning

Firm Name
Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Firm Location
Boston, MA
Firm Website


The Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking an experienced and innovative transportation professional to lead its Transit Analysis and Planning group.

The Manager of the Transit Analysis and Planning group leads a team that provides technical expertise to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), regional transit authorities (RTAs), and other organizations in the Boston region. This group is responsible for transit data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation; transit planning for the MBTA, RTAs, municipalities, and other entities in the Boston region; technical analyses that support policy decisions for the MBTA and RTAs, such as the evaluation of the impacts of service and fare changes on revenue, ridership, and equity; Title VI analyses; and general Title VI support to the MBTA and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. In addition to managing a core staff of five-to-six full-time professional transit planners, the Manager of the Transit Analysis and Planning group oversees the manager of approximately 12 part-time data-collection field staff and, for special survey efforts, as many as 50 temporary field staff. The Manager of the Transit Analysis and Planning group reports to the Director of Policy and Planning at CTPS.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
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