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North Carolina Summer Policy Institute Q & A Session

Firm Name
North Carolina Summer Policy Institute (NCSPI)
Firm Location


I am reaching out to share an upcoming opportunity for undergraduate students interested in learning more about the annual NC Summer Policy Institute hosted by the NC Budget & Tax Center.

As a reminder, the North Carolina Summer Policy Institute (NCSPI) is an initiative that aims to foster the state’s next generation of public policy leaders. During this engaging experience, the students will gain a broader understanding of the tools needed to contribute to the policy process. The opportunity is open to rising undergraduate juniors and seniors, and recent graduates (individuals who graduated after May 2020 and are not enrolled in a graduate program).

This Tuesday, February 16th, the NC Budget & Tax Center is hosting a Q & A session about the application process that will feature a program overview and alumni panel. Students can register for the event here.


Please feel free to forward the application or attached flyers to any individuals who may be interested in attending.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out directly to me. For more information on our program, you can visit our website at

Kindest regards, Calissa

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Economic Development
Job Sector: