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Planning Intern (Summer 2020)

Firm Name
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
Firm Location
Chicago, IL
Firm Website


The intern will support CMAP’s LTA program and/orassist with data development projects. CMAP’s LTA program provides assistance to communities across the Chicago metropolitan region to develop comprehensive plans, zoning updates, and subarea plans related to natural resources, economic development, housing, and transportation. Data development projects support regional planning and socioeconomic forecasting activities at CMAP. Whether the intern supports planning projects, regional data development, or a combination of these two programs will depend on interest and expertise.The intern with a planning focuswill be expected to support the projectsby performing geographic information system (GIS)analysis, researching and writing about assigned topics, and participating in community engagement efforts. Project assignments will be determined based on program needs and the intern’s interests and skill sets. However; the intern should have a strong understanding of transportation and land use planning topics. The intern with a spatial data focuswill be expected to have knowledge of general GIS concepts and functions, as well as familiarity with ArcMap and experience in digitizing and editing vector datasets. Knowledge of Python scripting or georeferencing raster imagery is helpful.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Start Date

Contact Information

Contact Name
Matthew Stern
Contact Email
Job Category:
GIS, Internship
Job Sector: