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Principal Transportation Planner

Firm Name
Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO)
Firm Location
Durham, NC
Firm Website


The purpose of this position is to support the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) Transportation Planning process (3C process). This position requires a self-starter with excellent written and oral communication skills who works well with minimal supervision.

Decision-making includes providing input into management objectives, establishing work goals and objectives to carry out management direction, and selecting the method to address a problem or issue, subject to the constraints established by management objectives and direction. As assigned, work focus is on a specialized area requiring advanced technical expertise and may include managing large, complex or sensitive development projects and/or planning processes; providing leadership and direction to lower level staff and/or supervising staff on a project basis; performing highly advanced professional analyses and recommendations in a specialized subject area; providing technical assistance and addressing issues in a specialized subject area; preparing and presenting graphic and narrative reports; coordinating with regional planning organizations and federal/state agencies; and making complex presentations to diverse audiences. As assigned, incumbents may serve as lead workers, assigning work and monitoring work completion, or supervise professional and/or paraprofessional staff on a project basis

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
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