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Racial Equity Graduate Internship

Firm Name
Durham County Government
Firm Location
Durham, NC


A unique opportunity to support the infrastructure development of racial equity efforts within and across Durham County Government (DCG). The intern will help establish the core components (tenets) racial equity at DCG by utilizing the member benefits, tools and resources provided by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) national and state network, and other partners.

Durham County Government is a member of the GARE North Carolina state cohort committed to applying racial equity tools towards the development of a racial equity action plan.


  • Support the data collection and reporting of a series of staff visioning sessions to identify the core components of a racial equity vision for Durham County.
  • Conduct literature reviews to support the development of white papers and policy briefs towards the implementation of pilot projects as part of DCG’s racial equity action plan.
  • Support the development and implementation of DCG’s communications plan, including talking points, social media posts, blog articles and research for racial equity webinars.
  •  Prepare data summary reports and communication to County leadership (e.g. racial equity employee survey assessment).
  • Coordinate GARE meetings among DCG’s core team in MS Teams; take notes and follow up on action commitments.
  • Coordinate and help co-host racial equity trainings for DCG employees and partners with expert facilitators.
  • Co-facilitate virtual meetings by overseeing chat function and providing technical assistance to attendees.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Minimum education/experience:
Graduate student majoring in public policy, public administration or public health (or related field) with a minimum of one formal racial equity training.

Hourly Rate: $16.50/hour
Benefits: Not Applicable

To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to Kweli Rashied-Henry, Racial Equity Officer at

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Start Date
  September 2020 – May 2021
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Kweli Rashied-Henry, Racial Equity Officer
Contact Email
Job Category:
Community Development, Internship
Job Sector: