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Regional Housing Coordinator/Planner

Firm Name
Southeast Tennessee Development District
Firm Location
Chattanooga, TN


The Southeast Tennessee Development District located in Chattanooga; Tennessee has an opening for the position of Regional Housing Coordinator/Planner. This position will provide support for regional housing rehabilitation programs within our ten (10) county region. Primary responsibilities require skills sufficient to administer Community Development Block Grants and Tennessee Housing Development Agency funds. This includes the capacity to work closely with the regional building inspector, contractors, State/Federal administrators, and other professionals.

The ideal candidate will have the ability to accurately interpret grant requirements, prepare bid packages, prepare reimbursement requests, and perform other administrative tasks. In addition, the Specialist/Planner will be expected to provide a lead role in developing new housing opportunities throughout the region, especially for disadvantaged households.

The ideal candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in planning, public administration, political science, geography, or a closely related field. A master’s degree in one of the aforementioned areas is preferred. Related work experience is requested.

Resumes & cover letters must be received by Wednesday, September 30, 2020 and should be sent to:
P.O. Box 4757
Chattanooga, TN 37405
ATTN: Human Resources

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