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Research Analyst

Firm Name
Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc)
Firm Location
Cambridge, MA
Firm Website


IEc is seeking individuals with a bachelor’s degree (or international equivalent) to join our firm as Research Analysts (RAs). Working with other IEc staff, RAs gather and evaluate data; perform quantitative analyses using a variety of economic, financial, or scientific methods; and communicate results in both written and oral form. Consulting work at IEc requires skills including paying close attention to detail, asking questions, identifying potential solutions when challenges arise and recommending the next steps to move a project forward. RAs must independently manage their time to meet deadlines and contribute to a project team.

Research Analysts must demonstrate academic experience in at least one of a wide range of disciplines relevant to IEc’s work including but not limited to economics, applied mathematics, public policy, engineering, finance, chemistry, biology, ecology, and other environmental sciences.

Research Analysts are eligible for promotion to Senior Research Analyst. Because most advanced positions at IEc require a graduate degree, RAs and Senior RAs often depart for graduate school or other career opportunities after working at IEc for approximately two to four years.

Required Qualifications: Bachelor’s or equivalent international degree in a relevant field (see above). If you have a graduate degree, please apply for the Associate position and not the RA position.

When applying, you must upload the following documents:

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Undergraduate Transcript
  • Writing Sample – this should be authored solely by you, be no more than 5 pages in length (can be an excerpt from a longer paper), and focus on technical information/analysis.

If the recruiting committee is interested in pursuing your application, we will contact you directly after February 14 to set up a screening interview.

Job Details

Job Type
 Full Time
Paid Y/N
Start Date
  Immediate and Spring hires

Contact Information

Contact Name
Lauren Lozza
Contact Email
Job Category:
Economic Development, Environmental Planning
Job Sector: