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Firm Name
Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department
Firm Location
Los Angeles, CA


This position will be assigned to the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Unit of the Program Operations Division and will be responsible for performing the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Prepare, coordinate, and complete several required mid-year and annual grant reports for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), including reports on performance measures. Responsible for the development, coordination, and preparation of the biannual CSBG Community Action Needs Assessment report and the two-year Community Action Plan, both of which are submitted to the state. Review and prepare recommendations to management on work, progress, findings, and/or reports on activities related to CSBG. Serve as liaison with state and local representatives on performance reporting. Work with staff in HCIDLA Operations and Planning, and other administrative staff on CSBG grant budget, contracts, and program planning. Prepare written reports and other correspondence for management signature, including transmittals to Mayor and Council and reports to the oversight board.
  • Coordinate, staff, advise, and provide support for the 12-member CSBG Community Action Board (CAB) and its meetings. This includes: preparation and set-up of meetings; prepare and post public meeting notifications (in accordance with Brown Act); arrange speakers; prepare agendas, materials and meeting notes; and prepare correspondence and documentation, as needed. Work with board members to recruit, orient, inform, and assist members, as needed, to fulfill their required board functions. Work with HCIDLA Program Operations staff and others to keep board members apprised of status of program operations, budget, and performance. Maintain files on bylaws, membership, agendas, and other documents.
  • Research, develop, and prepare necessary policy recommendations to management on best practices or strategies to reduce poverty. Support development of the department goals scorecard. Coordinate internal and external trainings, seminars, discussions, and conferences. Will also assist with execution of FSS-related contracts. Track legislation and state notices regarding the grant and funding.

See attached job description below for more information and how to apply

Job Details

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