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Transit Service Planner

Firm Name
Go Triangle
Firm Location
Durham, NC
Firm Website


The Transit Service Planner is responsible for developing and analyzing bus route and schedule plans, including near-term transit service alternatives, intermediate-term service plans, and long-range service concepts. The individual will also analyze and assist in the preparation of complex transit operating schedules for both GoTriangle, the regional service provider, and GoDurham, the local service provider in Durham. The primary focus of the position is on traditional fixed-route service, but demand-response service, vanpool service, and emerging modes of transportation are also included. This position reports to the Transit Service Planning Supervisor.


Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Conducts self in an appropriate manner as a representative of GoTriangle, working effectively in a diverse work environment.
  • Develops short-range plans for implementation of new or modified routes, discontinuation of unproductive service, implementation of demand response and specialized mobility services, amenity improvements, capital needs, and coordination projects with other public transit and community transportation services.
  • Lead development of service changes, which includes analysis, coordination with other departments, revising recommendations based on public feedback, and developing final recommendations. Develop schedules, bus stop changes, turnsheets, bus stop sign information, gate assignments at stations and a summary of service change for implementation.
  • Provides individual and team contributions; coordinates work with the rest of the GoTriangle service planning team and other GoTriangle staff.
  • Coordinates cross agency planning initiatives with the technical and administrative staff of local bus and community transportation systems, university transportation services, local governments and appropriate State and Federal officials.
  • Researches and identifies potential funding sources for short-range plan improvements.
  • Analyze transit service performance from a variety of sources and make recommendations for new or revised services. Prepare reports summarizing the findings of the analysis. Initiate route and schedule changes to meet customer demand. Assembles related statistical data and compiles reports.
  • Follows established procedures for proposing and budgeting for transit projects, and reporting on project progress to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Devises, administers and/or analyzes surveys of transit customers, employees, and the general public.
  • Develops scoping documents for capital projects that support service plans.
  • Manages consultant studies, including the preparation of requests for proposals, selection of consultants and supervision of consultant work.
  • Prepares presentation materials and presents reports or proposals to interdepartmental committees, governmental meetings and public groups.
  • Coordinates public involvement activities with the responsible public involvement staff, to solicit public feedback on transit plans and service change proposals.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university.
  • Two years of experience in planning or a related field.
  • Knowledge of transportation planning techniques, including urban planning principles.
  • Demonstrated skill in data analysis, spatial analysis, demographic analysis, and financial analysis.
  • Demonstrated skill in managing time and multiple tasks effectively, organizing and prioritizing work.
  • Demonstrated skill in making effective, professional presentations.
  • Ability to read and review site plans is preferred.
  • Exceptional level of interpersonal skills and abilities to effectively communicate, orally and in writing, including using good customer service skills, tact, diplomacy, active listening, and projecting self-confidence.
  • Ability to work effectively in a diverse workforce.
  • A working understanding of PC’s including the Microsoft Office Packages and proficiency with Excel. Experience with GIS software is preferred.

Working Conditions:

Works in an environment where there is minimum exposure to dust, noise, or temperature. May be moderately exposed to unpleasant working conditions to include dust, noise, temperature, weather, petroleum products, and chemicals while visiting operating facilities. During these visits, the incumbent should observe all policies and procedures, safety precautions and regulations, and use all protective clothing and devices provided.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Job Sector: