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Transportation Planner

Firm Name
The Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Firm Location
Winston-Salem, NC
Firm Website


Assists with the development and implementation of the Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) 2040 Transportation Plan; guides the conversion of the Thoroughfare Plan and Technical Report into a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP); works with the City-County Planning Board (CCPB) in the collection and maintenance of base year socio-economic data for the travel demand model, small area plans and other comprehensive planning activities; completes Vehicle Occupancy Counts (VOC) studies and other data collection activities on the street and highway network as needed; provides technical assistance to appointed and elected officials, business community, neighborhood organizations, general public and various staff at the Federal, State and local levels; serves as a liaison to municipalities within the MPO; completes the required performance planning and evaluation documents.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
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