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Hometown: Springfield, Missouri
Specialization: Transportation Planning
Current position:Transportation and Urban Planner in the Austin, TX Area

Ellen began to seriously consider a career in City and Regional Planning after living in the Dominican Republic and experiencing the negative effects of unequal development on different communities. Her undergraduate background in sociology and economics provided a natural foundation to get a graduate degree in planning and use her knowledge and skills in an applied context.

The collaborative environment, flexible programming, opportunities to connect with community members and, and focus on preparation for the professional world all encouraged Ellen to apply to and attend Carolina Planning. The culture of collaboration and support has helped her feel like part of a family, and the diverse experience that each student brings richly enhance her education in and out of the classroom.

In the department, Ellen helped coordinate events through the Social Committee, worked as a program admissions coordinator, and conducted transportation research with Dr. Noreen McDonald. Outside of Planning, Ellen is a graphic designer, a lover of podcasts, and sang in a community choir in Chapel Hill.

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