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Data Organizer

Firm Name
Carolina Federation
Firm Location
Raleigh, NC
Firm Website


In this moment of growth and opportunity for the Carolina Federation,Down Home North
Carolina, and our allies, we are looking to hire a data organizer to support the growing data
management needs for program work across the state.

We are seeking a data organizer who would

● be thrilled to help grow innovative political organizations across North Carolina
● fit our culture of courageous leadership and playful camaraderie, and
● share our deep love of people and ferocious commitment to power and transformation.

The data organizer will work directly with the organizing staff of the Carolina Federation and
Down Home North Carolina to support mutli-racial, multi-issue grassroots political power in our
state. While our work is deeply relational at its core, we seek to utilize the most effective
technical tools and tactics possible to build our membership base and reach voters in our
communities. The data organizer’s primarily role is to support this continued integration of our
data-driven electoral work with our relational organizing work.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Economic Development, Housing
Job Sector: