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Firm Location
Charlotte, NC
Firm Website


We’re excited to offer a grad-level internship opportunity for students with relevant experience/coursework and an interest in sustainable real estate.

Our goals:
• Recruit a smart, curious, thoughtful individual to work on a discrete project (or multiple projects) that will push forward CoHab’s growth, in turn helping us scale our impact
• Inject new diversity of experiences and perspectives into our work
• Expand our network of people interested in and connected to sustainable real estate

Potential projects (open to discussion):
• Identify new markets (cities and specific neighborhoods) for CoHab to expand into (our goal is to start making investments in our second market over next 12 months)
• Identify most compelling opportunities (e.g., modular, bigger/smaller project scale) that CoHab should pursue to dramatically improve project costs and/or shorten timelines
• Identify changes to CoHab’s business model for a compelling, defensible growth strategy (e.g., asset light vs. asset heavy, focus on built environment vs. resident experience, etc.)
• Other ideas and topics you propose!

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Harrsion Tucker
Contact Email
Job Category:
Community Development, Internship, Land Use, Real Estate
Job Sector: