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Research Associate in Regional Economics

Firm Name
the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Firm Location
Kansas City, MO
Firm Website


The Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City is recruiting for the position of Research Associate (RA). The Department conducts innovative analysis and research on a variety of topics, including regional, macroeconomics, monetary policy, labor, and international. The Department has an opening for an RA to start in late-spring to mid-summer 2020.

This is an excellent opportunity for someone considering a Ph.D. in economics with an interest in regional economics, including key Tenth District industries such as agriculture and energy. The position involves working closely with economists doing applied research on regional issues impacting the Tenth District as well as the entire nation. Considerable attention is given to building technical skills and providing exposure to a broad range of research topics. RAs typically stay for two to three years; after which many go to graduate school. In the past, RAs have gone on to Ph.D. programs at Boston College, New York University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, and University of Wisconsin.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Economic Development
Job Sector: