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Firm Name
Eastern Carolina Council of Governments
Firm Location
New Bern, NC
Firm Website


An employee in this class performs technical and professional transportation planning work for the region, with tasks such as attending various regional or state transportation planning meetings, special traffic and corridor studies, various data gathering and analysis; facilitating public hearings or other means of public input; and supporting other staff through technical research and writing. Work includes tasks such as gathering statistics and field data; analyzing data, preparing reports; developing recommendations; preparing GIS data and maps; providing technical assistance to the local government members; planning and participating in various public participation processes; supporting groups and committees made up of citizen and public officials; evaluating programs and preparing and presenting reports; and complying with grant reporting regulations. Work requires considerable knowledge of rural transportation planning and of planning concepts as well as independent judgment and initiative in the performance of duties. Work is performed primarily in an inside environment but also requires field work and travel within, and occasionally outside, the region. Work is performed under general supervision and is evaluated through conferences, observation, reports, progress on projects, and feedback from the clients.

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