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Planning Technician

Firm Name
Franklin County
Firm Location
Louisburg, NC
Firm Website


Employees in this class perform a wide variety of administrative support, secretarial, office management,
and clerical duties. Work generally requires that employees independently handle certain activities such as
information processing and referral, fiscal controls, computer systems administration, or a special aspect of a
program of office activity. Secretarial duties are considered at the advanced journey level and require considerable
tact and discretion in handling sensitive or confidential matters in the program areas. Work requires a broader
knowledge of office operations in order that the role may serve as backup and at a competent level in several
roles. Frequent personal contact is required with developers, surveyors, county employees, property owners, and
the general public. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Planning & Inspections Director or
other designated departmental supervisor and is evaluated through observation, conferences, and the quality and
effectiveness of work completed.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: