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Summer Practicum

Firm Name
Orange County Government, Department on Aging & UNC Partnerships in Aging Program
Firm Location
Remote meetings or in-person meetings reflecting COVID safety requirements
Firm Website


Practicum Description: An exciting opportunity to help create structure and momentum for Orange County’s Master Aging Plan (MAP). We are seeking one practicum student to join a team of people this summer who are evaluating Orange County’s 4th Master Aging Plan and developing a strategic plan for the 5th. The Master Aging Plan is a five-year plan that guides “all things aging” in Orange County; Housing, Transportation, Social Inclusion, Civic Engagement, Employment, Outdoor Spaces, Community Supports, Health Services, and Communication.

Practicum deliverables include: (1) Program Evaluation Report for MAP #4 including the Report from the Ripple Effect Mapping event and (2) Plan for Community Engagement and Development of the 5th MAP including a Community Planning Logic Model and Data Collection Instruments. Ideally, the student will be interested in applying evaluation, community engagement, and planning methods that promote age-friendly communities, racial equity, and partnership models.

Sponsoring Organizations: Orange County Government, Department on Aging, UNC Partnerships in Aging Program
UNC Partnerships in Aging Program

Brief Organizational Descriptions: The Orange County Department on Aging (OCDOA) is a one-stop resource where older adults can meet their social, mental, physical, financial, and day-to-day practical needs. We offer integrated aging services and programs at our two senior centers including, wellness and education classes, lunches, trips, and much more. We strive to make Orange County a great place to age. Our mission is to provide leadership in planning and operating a system of integrated aging services, supports, and engagement.

UNC’s Partnerships in Aging Program (PiAP) works to foster a vision of later life as a time for continued growth, adaptation, and contribution. We engage students, faculty, and community members to challenge stereotypes about aging and grow together through intergenerational dialogue. We enter into reciprocal relationships with local, state, national, and global partners to promote innovation and inclusion in aging services and programs. We create opportunities to work with and learn from marginalized elders, students, organizations, and communities (e.g., people of color, first generation college students, people with lower incomes, LGBTQ people), as it benefits all of us.

Compensation: $3500 from May through mid-August 2021 (a minimum of 200 hours. approx. 16 hours/week for 15 weeks with some schedule flexibility. Students may start earlier than May if they desire.)

Worksite: Remote meetings or in-person meetings reflecting COVID safety requirements

Project team: Cass Dictus has a master’s degree in public health and is currently a doctoral student at UNC’s School of Nursing. Cass is also a core team member with the Partnerships in Aging Program. For the past two years Cass has been evaluating the 4th Master Aging Plan. Cass will supervise the practicum student and a summer intern.

Kristin Podsiad, Intern, a dual degree student in Public Health and City and Regional Planning.

Cherie Rosemond, Director of UNC’s Partnerships in Aging Program

Janice Tyler, Director of Orange County’s Department on Aging Program

Goal: The ultimate goal is to help Orange County Department on Aging and its many community partners to provide excellent services and supports that meet the highest priority needs of the rapidly increasing population of older adults in the county. Achieving our goal will be accomplished by focusing attention on the cross-cutting aging issues that arise when physical or cognitive impairments require adaptations, or lack of resources compromises safety and engagement with others. Our 5th MAP will also include listening and responding to older adults from racial and ethnic minority populations.

Please send inquiries, cover letter and resume to Cass Dictus: and cc: Cherie Rosemond:

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
  Priority will be given to students who apply before April 1
Start Date
  May, earlier if desired
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Housing, Internship, Land Use, Transportation
Job Sector: