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Long-Range Planner

Firm Name
Cumberland County
Firm Location
Fayetteville, NC
Firm Website


Employees in this class perform professional planning work in current and long-range planning projects for the County. Employees in this class perform responsible journey level planning work to provide coordinated guidance and regulation of the growth and development of the County and in contracted municipalities.

Conduct in-depth original research on planning and land use issues, primary responsibility will be working with other staff members in the creation of detailed future land use plans for the County and contracted municipalities
Brief administrative staff and elected officials regarding research through periodic written and oral presentations; organize forums for public input on future land use and long range issues
Use a variety of computer programs to generate reports and data and to prepare presentations, charts, maps, graphs and other illustrative materials for presentations to elected officials, appointed boards, citizens and contracted municipalities
Participate in workshops, meetings and public hearings to explain planning proposals
Answer citizen questions concerning plans
Makes presentations of staff recommendations and possible scenarios
Lead or serve on study committees related to planning and land use matters
Assume leadership role in the development of special studies such as small area plans
Writes goals and objectives for growth strategies and facilitates implementation of growth policies and related land development regulations.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: