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Firm Name
Cumberland County
Firm Location
Fayetteville, NC
Firm Website


Work involves the detailed analysis of applications for zoning map and text amendments, special use permits, variances and appeals/interpretations.
Work also involves the preparation of detailed staff reports, board memos and other professional documents summarizing case files.
Make presentation of staff recommendations and possible scenarios for development.
Aid the public including property owners, developers, surveyors and engineers, business owners, real estate brokers and other in-house sections in understanding the local development approval process(es) and ordinances applicable to their projects.
Serve as the point of contact for a municipality and make presentations on current planning matters to their governing board.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: