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Firm Name
City of Mebane
Firm Location
Mebane, NC
Firm Website


An employee in this class performs research and background work for the implementation of the City’s adopted long-range plans, provides demographic and socio-economic data to the public,
facilitates the realization of planning projects and goals, revises plans as-needed to maintain their relevance, and assists the Director with drafting design and zoning standards that will implement
planning goals and objectives. Work includes public meeting facilitation and involves giving information, answering inquiries, and serving as primary staff for the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission. The employee will also be expected to work on small area plans that realize the City’s land use, transportation, and comprehensive planning goals, as specified in its adopted plans. Work requires the performance of technical support duties such as
doing research work for any planning project for the City. Work on nights and weekends will periodically be required. Work is supervised by the Development Director and is evaluated
through conferences, review of assigned projects, and overall completion of assigned tasks.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: