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Senior Planner/Current Planning Manager

Firm Name
City of Albemarle
Firm Location
Albemarle, NC
Firm Website


Performs highly skilled, professional and administrative work in the Planning and Development Services Department pertaining to land use and zoning and provides a broad scope of planning services for the City. Administers specified planning activities, performs studies, presents staff reports and supervises other staff in such endeavors as needed. Provides staff oversight and administrative assistance to various boards and commissions. Enforces the City zoning and development ordinances.

This position serves the role of Zoning Administrator for the City and department head in the absence of the Planning Director. Works under general supervision of the Planning Director.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: