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Firm Name
The Mid-East Commission
Firm Location
Washington, NC
Firm Website


The Mid-East Commission Planning, Economic Development, and Community Services Department, located in Washington, North Carolina serving a five county region, is seeking a qualified individual with education and experience in the areas of, Land Use Planning, Zoning Administration, Transportation Planning and Water Quality Planning, to fill the position of Planner. The Planner position, under the supervision of the Department Director, performs professional planning work for the COG. Work primarily includes conducting planning, zoning, land use, open space, water quality and assistance to the COG members, as well as coordination of Rural Transportation Planning Organizations (RPO). Work requires thorough knowledge of the planning field and is characterized by independent judgment and initiative in the performance of duties. Work is performed primarily in an inside environment. The employee may serve as a lead worker or project manager. Work is performed under the regular supervision of the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Community Services and is evaluated through conferences, observation, reports, progress on projects, and feedback from the clients.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: