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Planner I

Firm Name
City of Reidsville
Firm Location
Reidsville, NC
Firm Website


This is a newly created position within the City Reidsville with room for growth and professional development. The position performs a variety of skilled and professional work pertaining to planning, zoning and code enforcement. Handles specified zoning and planning activities such as site plan or subdivision reviews. Assists with permits, research, and report writing. Serves as relief/back-up to the Permitting Assistant. Work requires knowledge of principles and practices of professional planning methods and techniques, and strong public contact skills. Work involves complex and sensitive issues requiring a high level of judgement and tact, as well as the ability to clearly communicate and work with citizens, board members and elected officials. Work involves providing guidance for the orderly long-range growth and current development of the City. Work may involve representing the City in intergovernmental activities such as working with infrastructure, environmental and land use issues with other government representatives. Work is supervised by the Community Development Manager and is reviewed through conferences, observation, review of completed product, and feedback from citizens.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing
Job Category:
Community Development, Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning, GIS, Housing, International Development, Land Use, Real Estate, Transportation
Job Sector: